Saturday, May 29, 2010

Crystal Bowersox "Up To The Mountain" 3rd song American Idol Top 2

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First day of the Mid-yr + Junior's surprise

Everyone was cracking their head for the PA2 tips in their own classes...include me as well. In fact, I seriously need a nap in the morning coz I did burn too much of midnight oil yesterday night. When the time came across, the first paper had just started, but our econ teacher was not in the class yet since is her teaching period as the other class had started the PA paper... Somehow, dunno whether Im consider lucky or not, I did manage to finish up my PA2 paper in just 3hours time as compared to last year End-yr exam.. 3hours for u guys is long but for me if it is applied to PA2 exam, it sometimes not sufficient for me..

Thx to my junior, Tiffany Yit Siew Ng from 6B1. Giving me another surprise today as she promised to giv me something since last week.. All the best to u and enjoy ur form 6 life! Keep in touch in the future! Love ur present! Thx again.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Birthday Surprise!!

Yesterday could be my unforgettable memory for tha rest of my life.. Coz it was my first birthday surprise from all my friends, especially ExForm5 HSK gang, and my present classmate 6A8... Thx to the OC, Donovan, David and Calvin who had planned this two months ago... I was really shocked when the stormed into my house.. That moment i was stunned. in fact, i was really touched! Of course thx to those wished me in the BIG BIG card.. My ExSeniors, junior, teachers and etc...

And here is the present i received.. Thx guys!